While most people experience dark circles and puffy eyes after a night of disrupted sleep, for some people dark circles and eye bags are chronic. Although eye bags tend to worsen as we age, they can begin to develop early for some people, and even young people suffer from hereditary dark circles and shadowy hollows beneath the eyes. It may seem counterintuitive to use filler to minimize eye bags and dark circles, but it remains one of the best treatments for dark circles under the eyes.
What Causes Dark Circles and Eye Bags?
Unless there is an underlying health condition, dark circles are caused by shadows. The hollow beneath the eye is sunken between the cheek and the eyelid, preventing light from bouncing off it. As we get older, the under eye hollow becomes deeper and the skin becomes thinner. The thin skin shows more of the blood vessels beneath, resulting in a stronger dark discoloration. Combined with the deeper hollow, the dark circles become worse.
Undereye bags related to aging are caused when the tissues around the eye begin to weaken. As the skin no longer holds the structures beneath in place, fat stores in the area shift forward under the lower eyelids, making them look puffy. This puffiness increases the hollow directly under the eye, creating both the dark circle and making the eye bag more prominent.
How Under Eye Filler Helps
The tired and aged appearance caused by dark circles under the eyes and eye bags cannot be effectively treated by any eye cream, no matter the price. Concealers may work for a time, but due to the amount of product needed, will eventually look crepey and accentuate the problem.
Eye filler safely diminishes the concern by restoring the loss of volume beneath the eye. This restored volume removes the shadowing, allowing light to bounce off the area, creating a bright, rested and youthful appearance.
Eye filler for dark circles and eye bags is a fast treatment with no downtime. The results are immediate and natural looking. With decades of use and millions of treatments, eye filler is a safe, reliable and effective option for removing dark circles and eye bags.
To restore a well-rested and youthful appearance, contact Creative Dentistry & Medspa today to book your appointment for a dark undereye and eye bags treatment.