Are you in need of professional treatment for bleeding and swollen gums in the Alpharetta area? Creative Dentistry & Medspa offers treatment for receding and infected gums. The gums are vital for supporting the teeth and providing nourishment to the teeth roots. When gingivitis or gum infections occur, the gum tissue can become inflamed and may recede away from the teeth. Receding gums are often one of the first signs of periodontal disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss. As part of our general dentistry treatment options at Creative Dentistry & Medspa, we offer effective receding gum treatment to stop or even reverse gum disease at our dental center in Alpharetta, GA.
Bacteria are always present in the mouth, but certain bacteria can be harmful to the teeth and gums. Bacteria that feed off food debris can leave a sticky film called plaque on teeth, which can harden into tartar. When these bacteria and the plaque they create are not completely removed through oral hygiene, it can result in gingivitis or gum infections. The gum tissue may begin to pull away or recede from the teeth, creating gaps or pockets around the teeth.
Relief for Bleeding or Swollen Gums
Gum infection or disease can result in swollen tissue that bleeds easily when you brush or floss. More importantly, it can result in lost bone in the jaw and weakened teeth. Receding gum treatment can help stop the infection and allow the gum tissue to heal, restoring healthy gums to support the teeth.
Receding gum treatment or gingivitis treatment begins with improving oral hygiene at home. Brush at least twice a day and floss daily. Our dental team can also provide treatments. Dental cleanings may be recommended more frequently to remove plaque and tartar, or we may suggest deeper cleanings if the infection is severe.
Receding, bleeding or swollen gum tissue are early signs of gum disease. To prevent tooth damage or loss, it is important to begin treatment for receding gums or gingivitis. Contact our dental team at Creative Dentistry & Medspa to schedule a checkup and dental cleaning at our office in Alpharetta, GA.