Your skin is continuously exposed to several factors and elements, which can compromise its appearance, damaging it and leading to the emergence of skin problems. At Creative Medspa, we are always interacting with patients who desire to reverse some of the effects these factors have on their skin, in pursuit of more radiant, and flawless skin.
It is a fact that when your skin looks great, your confidence will be at its best. The same can be said about the converse of this when your skin is not at its best; you will have self-confidence issues and reservations when socializing.
This is one of the leading reasons why patients visit our skin specialists in our Medspa in Atlanta, GA looking for solutions to various skin issues that prevent them from having beautiful, radiant skin.
One of the most transformative skin treatments we offer our clients is our chemical peel treatment in Atlanta, GA. They get to undergo a series of treatment sessions that enable them to achieve their skin goals and desires.
Chemical Peel 101
A chemical peel is a skin exfoliation method that utilizes a toxic chemical compound, which removes dead skin cells, impurities and dirt from the top layer of the skin, resulting in more radiant and fresh-looking skin.
A chemical peel exfoliation session can typically take about 30 minutes. You will undergo a skin peeling process of about 3 to 6 days after the procedure that will give way to your new layer of skin.
The number of chemical peel sessions you have to undergo is determined by the skin condition being treated and the severity of its effects on your skin.
Chemical peels in Atlanta are applied as a method of conducting a regulated amount of tissue death, the damaged skin sheds off afterward, and the skin heals producing a new and blemishes free skin layer.
Skin Conditions That Can Be Treated Using Chemical Peels
A chemical peel can be applied to facial skin, hands, and neck to bring about an improvement in the appearance and overall texture of the skin.
Some of the skin conditions that can be addressed using chemical peels include:
- Hyperpigmentation
- Scarring
- Melasma
- Age spots
- Wrinkles
- Acne scars
- Crow’s feet
- Freckles
- Reverse effects of sun damage
- Removal of fine lines around the eyes and mouth
- Improve your skin texture
- Sagging and aging skin
Types of Chemical Peels
There are different types of chemical peels in Atlanta, classified according to the type and depth of blistering they cause. The deeper the skin depth the chemical peel covers, the more dramatic the result produced.
There are types of chemical peels available:
- Light Peel
This type of chemical peel is also referred to as a superficial chemical peel. This type of chemical peel deals with the removal of the outer epidermis skin layer. It is typically used to deal with fine skin wrinkles, acne, skin dryness, and uneven skin tones.
To achieve your desired result using this type of chemical peel, you will have to undergo a session every two to four weeks.
- Medium Peel
Medium chemical peels can remove dead or targeted skin cells from both the epidermis and upper portions of the dermis (middle layer of the skin).
It can be used to remedy wrinkles, uneven skin tones, and acne scarring. You may have to be scheduled in by our skin specialist to undergo a repeat session every three to six months to ensure your transformative results are maintained.
- Deep Peel
A deep chemical peel is applied to remove targeted skin cells from the epidermis and deep layers of the dermis. It is usually used to remedy skin issues such as deep scars, stubborn wrinkles, and on other occasion’s precancerous growths.
A deep chemical peel ideally will yield an instant dramatic result; however, it requires more downtime to heal after this procedure. Unlike the other types of chemical peels, a deep chemical peel does not require repeated applications or sessions to achieve the desired results.
The Benefits of Chemical Peels
Chemical peel treatment in Atlanta, GA, ideally if handled by professionals like our skin specialists in our Medspa in Atlanta, GA yield amazing results. Some of the perks of undergoing chemical peels may include:
- Deals with skin discoloration caused by overexposure to the sun
- Deals with scars
- Yields wrinkle-free and firmer-looking skin
- Improves your skin tone and color
- Improves skin clarity and overall texture
- Improves skin hydration, and eradicates the occurrence of dry and flaky skin
- Can clear out acne breakouts
- It stimulates the production of healthier skin cells and collagen, resulting in a more vibrant and radiant looking skin
Contact us today at Creative Medspa and let us schedule your transformative chemical peel session.
Posted on behalf of Creative Dentistry & MedSpa